Friday, 8 January 2010


Hi friends, long time since my last post.
Now I'm at Secondary School and I write for my Secondary teachers.
I.E.S Manuel Murguía is a Secondary School that has a canteen, a library, a lecture hall and much more.
Nothing is like at Primary School, here we must study harder and if you cannot keep up you'll have problems.
I had problems with some subjects but luckily I could manage.
I hope this post it's useful for students of sixth graders 'cause they'll go to I.E.S Manuel Murguía next year too.
It is only a warning.


Anonymous said...

Genial post and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thank you as your information. said...

Thank you for your comment but I want to know who are you 'cause a lot of people write on my blog with "ANONIMOUS".
Please answer my comment.


Robson N. P.

Anonymous said...; You saved my day again.

Oscar Fondo Torres said...

Hello Robson I'm Óscar.
Have you got msn?
I have got.
My msn are

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